Development boards such as the C1, by definition, will at some point
either require an OS upgrade or a simple reflash to revert to a known
good base state. The following section describes flashing the media.
USB microSD card adapter
No matter which boot media you select for your C1, you will need
an additional device to perform the flashing process, which is called
a USB SD card reader / writer. It should be compatible with your host
desktop or laptop (flashing computer) and with the OS running on it.
The image above shows a typical microSD card adapter. If you recall
in the previous section, we recommended the placement of a USB3
hub close to your free work area. This hub, if present, is where you
would connect the USB SD card reader / writer.
Now you may see the point of the suggested hub location - basi-
cally, it allows for frequent flashing of the boot media and its convenient
attachment to the C1. If all points in the connection are USB3 type,
you will get the fastest possible read / write speeds. USB2 compati-
bility will allow one or more points to be of type USB2, but will result in
slower speeds.
Start using the designated non-conductive free work area for all
subsequent activities. In the microSD receptacle of the USB SD card
reader / writer, look for the metal contact pins. Then, if you are using a
microSD card to flash the image, align the metal strips of the microSD
card to make contact with the pins. Insert the microSD card into the
USB SD card reader / writer. The image below indicates the alignment
when using the Transcend USB3 microSD card reader / writer model.
The alignment may be different with your reader / writer model.
However, if you are using an eMMC module to flash the image,
you first need to attach the eMMC module to the eMMC/microSD USB
adapter. Place the eMMC module and the adapter such that the 34 pin
female/male connectors overlap and gently press them together.
Align the metal strips of the microUSB adapter to make contact
with the pins in the microUSB receptacle of the USB SD card reader
/ writer. Insert the assembly by pressing firmly on the eMMC module
until it clicks into place.
Chapter 2