Änderungen vorbehalten / Subject to change without notice
4 8
The following argument specifies the number of digits (ASCii, BINary,
HEXadecimal, OCTal) or the number of bits (INTeger, UINTeger).
ASCii: data is transferred as <NR1> format separated by commas.
BINary: data is encoded with base 2, preceded by “#B“.
OCTal: data is encoded with base 8, preceded by “#Q“.
HEXadecimal: data is encoded with base 16, preceded by “#H“.
INTeger data is transferred in a definite length block as signed integer. The
value 0 describes the value with respect to screen center. The resolution
is 25 Bit/Div.
UINTeger data is transferred in a definite length block as unsigned integer.
The value 128 describes the value with respect to screen center. The
resolution is 25 Bit/Div.
Command and query.
Parameters: ASCii, BINary, HEXadecimal, INTeger, UINTeger, OCTal.
*RST Value: ASCii.
“:form int,16;“ // selects “short integer“ as data format.
“:form uint,32;“ // selects “unsigned long integer“ as data format.
8.1.2 :FORMat:BORDer < NORMal | SWAPped> FORMat:BORDer;
:FORMat:BORDer < NORMal | SWAPped> FORMat:BORDer?;
Description: Byte ORDer settings only affect the subsystem “Trace“ parameter and
determine the byte order during transmission/reception.
NORMal selects “Little Endian“ Intel format. In case of serial transmission
the least significant bytes (LSB) are transmitted first. This format shall be
applied on Intel processor equipped computers (e.g. Personal Computer).
Example: The hexadecimal number “1020“ is transmitted and received in
the order “20“ “10“. The hexadecimal number 20 (decimal = 32) becomes
the first byte in the input buffer and hex. 10 (decimal = 16) becomes the
second byte.
SWAPped activates the Motorola format “Big Endian“, causing the most
significant byte (MSB) to be transmitted first. This format shall be applied
in combination with Motorola or PPC processors (e.g. Macintosh Computer).
Example: The hexadecimal number “1020“ is transmitted and received in
the order “10“ “20“. The hexadecimal number 10 (decimal = 16) becomes
the first byte in the input buffer and hex. 20 (decimal = 32) becomes the
second byte.
Command and query.
Parameters: NORMal, SWAPped.
*RST Value: NORMal.
8.2 INPut Subsystem
8.2.1 :INPut:COUPling <AC | DC | GROund>;
Description: Sets or returns the input coupling setting. To change the coupling for the
second channel, append a suffix of 2 to the COUPling header.
Forms: Command and query.
Parameters: AC, DC, GROund.
*RST Value: N/A
8.2.2 :INPut:POSition <f | MAXimum | MINimum>;
:INPut:POSition <f | MAXimum | MINimum>]?;
INPut: POSition [<MAXimum | MINimum>] ?