Änderungen vorbehalten / Subject to change without notice
5 2
“:trigger:level 1300 mv;“ // sets the trigger level to 1.3V.
“:TRIG:LEV MAX ?; // query for trigger level.
8.6 Trace Subsystem8.6 Trace Subsystem
8.6.1 :TRAce[:DATA] <trace_name>?;
Description: Returns “trace“ (channel, reference signal) signal data. Valid trace names
are returned from a TRAce:CATalog command. The format of the received
data can be determined by “:FORMat[:Data] < xxx >;“.
*RST Value: N/A.
8.6.2 :TRAce:CATalog?;
Description: This query returns a comma-separated list of strings which contains the
names of all traces.
8.6.3 :TRAce:COPY <trace_name>,<trace_name>;
Description: This command copies signal data from channel 1 or 2 into a reference
memory. It can also be copied from one reference memory into another
reference memory. The reference memory is always the target.
“:trace:copy ref2,ch1;“ // copies channel 1 into reference 2.
“:trace:copy ref1,ref2;“ // copies reference 2 into reference 1.
8.7 Hcopy Subsystem8.7 Hcopy Subsystem
8.7.1 :HCOPy[:IMMediate];
Description: This command starts the hardcopy immediately. The start button on the
interface has the same function.
Remark: The interface settings can deviate from the SW1 hardware
setting, if the interface has received “:HCOPY:PORT...;“ and /or
“:HCOPY:LANG...;“ SCPI commands deviating from the hardware settings.
These settings are valid until the interface received new “PORT“ and/or
“LANGUAGE“ settings or the interface has been switched off for at least
10 seconds. Switching the interface on again activates the SW1 settings.
8.7.2 :HCOPy:ABORt;
Description: This command stops the hardcopy immediately.
8.7.3 :HCOPy:LANGuage <PCL | HPGL | EPSon | POSTscript | PCX>;
:HCOPy:LANGuage ?;
Description: Sets or returns the data format to be used when sending out plot or print
PCL: Hewlett-Packard’s Printer Control Language
HPGL: Hewlett-Packard’s Graphics Language
EPSon: Epson FX80 compatible printer language
POSTscript: Adobe Systems printer language
PCX: ZSoft‘s graphic format