Änderungen vorbehalten / Subject to change without notice
4 7
7.7 HCOPy
:LANGuage <PCL | HPGL | EPSon | POSTscript | PCX>
:STArt (<block> | <numeric_values>)
:END (<block> | <numeric_values>)
:PORt <CENTronics | RS-232 | GPIB | SOURce>
:HEADer <OFF | ON | BORDer>
:RASTer <OFF | ON> ( replaced by GRATicule, Version 2.0)
:GRATicule <OFF | ON> (replaces RASTer)
:COLor <OFF | ON>
:RESolution <f | MAXimum | MINimum>
7.8 HEADer <OFF | ON>
7.9 SYSTem
: BAUD <f | MAXimum | MINimum>
: ADDress <f | MAXimum | MINimum>
7.10 IEEE 488.2 corresponding commands (description under item 9)
8.Command Descriptions
Commands and sub commands are introduced by a colon (:). Commands are terminated
by a semicolon (;) and can be written in capital or small letters.
Please note item 6.1 Command Structure.
8.1 FORMat Subsystem
8.1.1 :FORMat[:DATA] <ASCii | BINary | HEXadecimal | INTeger | UINTeger | OCTal>[,<d>];
Description: The settings only effect the subsystem “Trace“ settings. The bit number
of INTeger and UINTeger is determined by f with a maximum value of 32.