Änderungen vorbehalten / Subject to change without notice
4 5
e.g.: “:select:catalog ?;“ or “:sel:cat ?;“
Both types are acceptable.
6.2 Symbols and Brackets
The symbols and brackets used in the command description have the following meaning:
6.3 Oscilloscope Parameter Update
The oscilloscope parameters for which SCPI commands (parameter commands) exist
are taken over by the interface when the interface (oscilloscope) is switched on; they
are listed under item 7.2 INPut, 7.3 SENSe, 7.4 SELect and 7.5 TRIGger. The referring
command description can be found under item 8.2 INPut, 8.3 SENSe, 8.4 SELect und
8.5 TRIGger.
After the interface has received an oscilloscope parameter the following proceedings
take place:
1. The parameter is stored in the interface memory.
2. All oscilloscope parameters (including the changed one) are transmitted to the
Manually performed oscilloscope parameter changes are not recognised by the interface.
Consequently oscilloscope parameter stored in the interface overwrite the deviating
manual instrument parameter setting, after the interface received a new parameter
command. Problems caused by this behaviour can be avoided in the following ways:
1. Update the interface parameter memory after each manual operation. This activates
the oscilloscope parameters stored in the interface.
2. Before transmitting a parameter command, make a system update with waiting time:
2.1 “:syst:upd;“ // activates the stored oscilloscope parameter in the interface.
2.2 wait_5ms // wait 5ms.
2.3 Transmit parameter change to the interface.