hs dock
Order h49 7144.907-333
8. Screw the fixing screws into the clamping device and
tighten them to their specified tightening torque [see the
»Screw tightening torques« chapter].
9. Unfasten and remove any lifting gear that may have
been required.
10. Remove the mounting aid on a vertically suspended
spindle if one was used.
11. Check the face run-out of the clamping device on a suit-
able test surface [ideally ≤ 0.01 mm].
12. Check the axial run-out of the clamping device on a suit-
able test surface [ideally ≤ 0.01 mm].
Whenever the face run-out and/or the axial run-out is greater
than the maximum permitted value:
13. Remove the clamping device.
14. Clean the locating surface and mating surfaces of the
flange and the clamping device.
15. If there is a burr or slight damage, rub down the locating
surface of the flange and the clamping device gently with
an oil stone.
16. Reinstall the clamping device.
17. Repeat the face run-out test.
18. Repeat the axial run-out test.