FIG 4.9
Setting Each Lift Assembly
Install a 3000 PSI pressure gauge on the inlet of the elec-
tro-hydraulic valve (fig. 4.10, item 1). With the engine running at
an idle, raise each unit one at a time with the Tasseltrol
while in “MANUAL” mode. Observe the pressure. Adjust each
lift cylinder to 1000 PSI.
To increase the pressure of a given lift cylinder, turn the
adjustable screw (fig. 4.10, item 2) on the raise orifice clock-
wise. To decrease the pressure of a given cylinder, turn the
adjustable orifice screw counter-clockwise.
After each unit has been adjusted to 1000 PSI, test the set-
tings by turning the Tasseltrol
box to “AUTO” and activate the
“ALL UP” switch (fig. 4.9) on the hydrostatic control handle
(“ALL UP” dwell should be set at 20 seconds – see page 34).
At this time all units should lift together.
Adjust each lower orifice as outlined on page 26.
Over adjustment of raise
orifice can cause excessive
working pressure.
FIG 4.10