DCBX Parameter Data
Priority Group ID of Priority 1: 0
Priority Group ID of Priority 0: 0
Priority Group ID of Priority 3: 1
Priority Group ID of Priority 2: 0
Priority Group ID of Priority 5: 0
Priority Group ID of Priority 4: 0
Priority Group ID of Priority 7: 0
Priority Group ID of Priority 6: 0
Priority Group 0 Percentage: 50
Priority Group 1 Percentage: 50
Priority Group 2 Percentage: 0
Priority Group 3 Percentage: 0
Priority Group 4 Percentage: 0
Priority Group 5 Percentage: 0
Priority Group 6 Percentage: 0
Priority Group 7 Percentage: 0
Number of Traffic Classes Supported: 2
The output shows that the DC server will use SP queuing (priority group ID 15) for 802.1p priority 3.
DCBX Parameter Type and Length
DCBX Parameter Length: 2
DCBX Parameter Type: 3
DCBX Parameter Information
Parameter Type: Current
Pad Byte Present: No
DCBX Parameter Valid: Yes
Reserved: 0
DCBX Parameter Data
PFC Enabled on Priority 0: No
PFC Enabled on Priority 1: No
PFC Enabled on Priority 2: No
PFC Enabled on Priority 3: Yes
PFC Enabled on Priority 4: No
PFC Enabled on Priority 5: No
PFC Enabled on Priority 6: No
PFC Enabled on Priority 7: No
Number of Traffic Classes Supported: 6
DCBX Parameter Information
Summary of Contents for H3C S7500E-X
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