©2020 GSL Solutions, Inc. IntelliVault Training Guide v.509.5 20201116
Downtime .................................................................................................
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Downtime Operations & Recovery ........................................................
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Recovery Procedures .............................................................................
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Task Manager .......................................................................................
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Downtime Prescription Locator Report and Stock Locator Report .........
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Using the Prescription Locator Report for Rxs shelved in IntelliCab .....
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Using the Stock Locator Report .............................................................
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Downtime RPh Fill and Dispense ...........................................................
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Downtime Binder ..................................................................................
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Downtime Stock Receive .......................................................................
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Recovery from Downtime .........................................................................
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Recovery Rx Fill and Dispense ...............................................................
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Recovery Dispense ................................................................................
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Recovery Stock Receive .........................................................................
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Recovery Notes & Reports in Task Manager ..........................................
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Shutdown Mode .......................................................................................
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Cleaning GSL baskets, lids, and peripheral equipment ...............................
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FAQ ..........................................................................................................
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A. Why is an LED for an IntelliVault cell blinking? ..................................
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B. What do I do if I have an Unknown Contents Stock SmartBasket? .....
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C. How do I take ownership of a SmartBasket? ......................................
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D. How do I fix a Mis-coupling Error? .....................................................
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E. How do I return a prescription to stock? ............................................
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F. How do I Back-count liquid medications? ..........................................
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G. How do I transfer a prescription to a different SmartBasket? ............
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H. How do I transfer contents to a different SmartBasket? ....................
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I. How do I recover “Stock in Unknown State”?
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J. There is a Shutdown Mode alert on the screen...................................
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K. The IntelliPad is not working properly ...............................................
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L. The drawer makes an “uh
uh” sound when I authenticate
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M. How do I do a Partial Fill? .................................................................
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N. How do I Cancel a Fill? ......................................................................
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O. How do use IntelliVault if the lock isn’t opening?
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Downtime Perpetual Log ..........................................................................
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