QuickSIN Test Results
The QuickSIN Test Results Table displays the information for
the tests that have been stored. The data is separated by ear and
group. The results include the SNR 50 and the SNR Loss. For
details on the scoring see the QuickSIN manual.
QuickSIN Sentences and Score
The lower section of the display contains the QuickSIN sentences. The
capitalized words indicate the target words to be scored. Next to the sentence is
the score box for the sentence with an indication of the Signal to Noise (S/N)
ratio for the sentence.
The sentence on the list may be chosen for presentation by selecting with the
mouse or by using the navigation buttons on the device (and the Word Nav
option from the Navigation Menu) to highlight the sentence and pressing the
present button. When a sentence is being presented the background will be
highlighted yellow. The sentences are scored by pressing the correct or incorrect
button, the appropriate number of times. If more sentences are on the list than
can be displayed, additional pages are used. This is indicated in the top right area
of the sentence list title bar. There are up/down arrows that allow movement
between pages using the mouse. When the last sentence on the list is presented
the next page will be displayed. Using the navigation buttons on the instrument,
move to the next page by pressing the down or right navigation key on the last
sentence in the list.
Navigation Menu
The Navigation Menu contains options that are the same as those previously
described for the speech displays. The Word List, Word Nav, Aided, dB Step
and the comment icon items function the same as in the Speech display. The
Navigation Menu also contains items unique to the QuickSIN test.
The Group menu item acts as a toggle to indicate the ‘group’ for the testing. In
the QuickSIN test, up to 2 groups may be used to compare different conditions.
Such comparisons might be used to demonstrate the benefits of amplification
(unaided vs. aided) or assess directional microphone performance (no directional
mic vs. directional mic). The QuickSIN Test is a flexible tool that may be