TEN Test
The TEN test involves measuring the threshold for detecting a sinusoidal tone
presented in a special background noise called “threshold-equalising noise”
(TEN). The methods used to conduct the test are similar to those used for
masking in conventional pure-tone audiometry, except that the signal threshold is
measured in the presence of ipsilateral, continuous background noise and a 2-dB
final step size is used to measure thresholds. The test was designed for detecting
the presence of cochlear dead regions and defining their limits. The TEN Test
defaults to a pulsed tone and 2 dB Step size.
The TEN test display is similar to the tone test type audiogram display. The
Navigation Menu has a single option for the dB Step in addition to the comment
icon. The data is stored by pressing the Store button and when stored a TEN
symbol is displayed on the audiogram.