Cleaning and Disinfecting Agents
According to the recommendations from the CDC, audiometric equipment is
considered to be non-critical medical equipment and typically requires cleansing
followed by low to intermediate level disinfecting, depending on the nature of the
contamination. Cleaning should be done with a mild soapy detergent (such as
dishwashing liquid) and a damp cloth or an Endozime Sponge followed by an
application of EPA-registered hospital disinfectant. Do not use any abrasive
Use of a non-alcohol based disinfectant is recommended for larger areas and
headphones. Non-alcohol based products contain the active ingredient referred to
as quaternary ammonia compound or hydrogen peroxide based cleaner such as
Oxivir Disinfectant Wipes to clean the ear cushions, headset, and to wipe down
the machine. The quaternary ammonia compound and hydrogen peroxide are
specifically designed to disinfect rubber, plastic, silicone and acrylic products
which are commonly used in hearing evaluation instruments.