Chapter 7: Application Software & Integration
The Pello uses Config App software to define the instrument and test settings
defaults. These settings are downloaded from the application software on the PC
to the Pello. It is recommended that a copy of the custom configuration is saved
as a back-up. This will allow the custom configuration to be loaded quickly onto
multiple Pello audiometers. A separate manual describes in detail the Pello
Config App program.
Config App
Installing the Configuration Software
Administrator or Power User Rights on the computer are required to load
the software.
Close all other applications before attempting to up/download from the
Pello Config. App.
The Pello must be powered down and restarted after downloading
Config. App. changes in order for them to take effect.
Insert the USB flash drive into the computer and ensure the computer is
connected to the Pello via USB cable. The Pello should be powered on. Follow
the on-screen installation prompts to load the Config App to the computer.
The Pello Config App will be listed in the Windows start menu.
Customizing the Configuration
The Config App is separated into two sections. The first section, Instrument,
determines global settings of the instrument. The second section, Audiometry,
dictates default settings for audiometric evaluations. Each section will be
described briefly in the following section. For a more detailed explanation of the
Config App, review the Pello Config App User Manual.
Download default settings from the Config App to the Pello (restart
the Pello after download).
Upload current settings, device regional settings and internal word lists
from a Pello audiometer to the Config App on a connected computer. It is
recommended that Upload be the first step when creating or modifying a custom