Channel 1 and Channel 2
The Channel 1 and 2 windows display the current output for each
channel. The sound wave symbol indicates that a stimulus is being
presented. This sound wave will be present as long as the present bar is
depressed, will flash to indicate a pulsed stimulus, and will be steady if
“interrupt” is in the on position. The hearing level of the stimulus will be
displayed in the color of the ear that has been selected for each channel.
If Left/Right routing is selected, the Channel color will be black. At
extreme hearing levels, the level will be highlighted in yellow. When the
attenuator has reached its upper limit (per transducer and frequency), NR
will be displayed (and highlighted in yellow if the level is 100 dB or
more), indicating No Response. The default signal types (steady, FM,
pulsed, FM/pulsed), ear selected and transducer selected are displayed at
the bottom of the channel windows. The ear and transducer may be
selected with the mouse to display a drop down list of options for
Frequency Window
This window will display the test frequency. When a patient response
switch is used, a gray bar will appear below the frequency when the
patient depresses the button.
On Screen Data Logging
The Pure Tone Average (PTA) for air and bone conduction is
automatically calculated as the threshold data is collected. The
frequencies used for the PTA may be defined in the Config App.
The Speech Intelligibility Index (SII) is automatically calculated as the
threshold data is collected. The perception of speech information that is
audible and usable for each patient based on pure tone thresholds can be
quickly calculated. There is a high correlation between SII and word
recognition scores.
Reliability may be reported as good, fair, or poor at any time throughout
the evaluation to indicate the validity of the results of the tests. “None”
indicates that the reliability was not labeled. Additional labels may be
defined in the Config App. The reliability may be assigned in the
comments window of the instrument or with the mouse by clicking on
the reliability underline and selecting from the pull down menu of
reliability descriptors.