Function Buttons
- This button displays a screen that allows the examiner to create a new
session, enter patient demographics, select a patient from the patient list, import a
patient list from GSI Suite, select an examiner and transfer and delete one or all
Data Erase
- This button clears a test session saving all tests to the internal
memory. The user may select to erase a single data point or the last curve.
- From this screen, it is possible to view the instrument information
such as serial number, software version and the custom logo. This button displays
setup options to update the Pello software, configure bone conduction symbol
settings, set the print format, license updates, export log files and settings menu.
- Place a USB drive with the appropriate update loaded into one
of the four USB ports. Select Update and then select device, sound files,
or fonts to update the instrument. Update files must be obtained from
GSI or an authorized GSI representative.
– Select between Mastoid and Forehead bone oscillator placement.
The selection loads the appropriate symbol and calibration for bone
conduction testing. This selection will be active throughout the current
session. When a new session is started, the symbol scheme will revert to
the preference selected in Config App.
- Select to change the printing format. The change will override
the preference selected in Config App.
Export Logs
- This option sends the log files from the instrument to an
attached USB Drive. A message is displayed if no USB disk is found.
Licensing -
Select to view the licensed options on the GSI Pello. In
the dialog that is presented, the current options are indicated and there
are selections for updating or exporting the license key. An update to
the license key may be completed manually by typing the key code into
the text box or the key may also be imported from an attached USB
drive. After update, the Pello must be restarted for updates to take effect.
One license key contains all the instrument options. When a successful
update occurs, the option to add Another Key refers to licensed word lists, if
Settings -
This option opens the settings dialog. Select to configure
audiogram orientation, masked and unmasked symbols, printer protocol,
display brightness, and to set date and time.