Stenger test
The Stenger Test is used to evaluate patients with unilateral hearing loss that are
suspected of malingering. Speech stimuli or pure tones are presented 10 dB
above threshold in the better ear and 10 dB below in the reported threshold in the
ear exhibiting the hearing loss. Normally, the patient will perceive the stimulus in
the better ear because it is 10 dB above threshold and they will respond.
However, for patients with “pseudohypoacusis”, the sound in the unilaterally
impaired ear will be louder and they will not respond to the stimuli. This result is
considered ‘positive’ for pseudohypoacusis.
Pure Tone Stenger Test Procedure
In the Tone, select CH2 Tone in the navigation menu.
Press the interlock button.
Select the frequency to be tested.
Set the Ch1 level to 10dB above the pure tone threshold in the better ear.
Set the Ch2 level to 10dB below the pure tone threshold in the suspect
Press the present button. If the patient indicates they heard the tone, this
is considered a ‘negative’ Stenger.
If the patient does not respond to the tone, this is considered a ‘positive”
Repeat test at all desired frequencies.
Record results in Comments.
Speech Stenger Test Procedure
Select the Speech Test Type and Ch1 stimuli to Mic.
Select Ch2 Mic in the navigation menu.
Press the interlock button.
Set the Ch1 level to 10dB above the SRT in the better ear.
Set the Ch2 level to 10dB below the SRT in the suspect ear.
Press the present button and present a spondee. If the patient repeats the
spondee, this is considered a ‘negative’ Stenger.
If the patient does not repeat the spondee, this is considered a ‘positive’
Record results in Comments.
NOTE: Test may be performed using internal .Wav files or external file
played through a digital device.