Chapter 9 Optional Features and Functionality
The following section details optional functionality that may be included with the
GSI Pello or added at a later date via license update.
High Frequency License
The High Frequency License adds the ability to test the full frequency range from
125-20,000Hz using calibrated High Frequency RadioEar DD450
headphones. The following functionality will be enabled with this module.
The Range selection determines the displayed audiogram frequency range and
available test frequencies. It will appear in the navigation menu if the High
Frequency license is enabled on the Pello. The three audiogram options are
Standard, High and Full range:
Standard audiogram range: 125 Hz-12 kHz.
High audiogram range: 8 kHz-20 kHz. (The High Frequency Range
display does not have the data calculations for the PTA or SII.)
Full audiogram range: 125 Hz-20 kHz.
The High Frequency license option is required to test frequencies above
12 kHz. The high frequency headphones (DD450) may be calibrated from 125
Hz to 20 kHz.
Title Bar
In the center of the title bar, the selected audiogram Range will be displayed.
Fine Hz Frequency Resolution
In the Status display, the High Frequency license includes the Fine Hz button
which allows the user to select from a sub menu of different octave band
frequency resolutions including single hertz. When an octave band or single
hertz resolution is selected the table is updated with the available frequencies.
Navigation arrows on the right and left of the table provide ‘page’ movement in
the list. If the resolution is 1 Hz then there are additional movement icons that
move the table in 1000 Hz increments.