The Aided menu has 3 options that toggle each time the button is selected.
Aided (HA)
Cochlear Implant (CI)
When the box is HA or CI, the aided or cochlear implant symbol will appear on
the audiogram.
When HA or CI is selected the transducer will automatically change to
speakers as the selected transducer and FM as the signal type.
Auto Hz
The Auto Hz button controls whether or not the frequency automatically
advances to the next test frequency when the store button is pressed. The
frequency presentation order may be defined in the Config App. When the Auto
Hz option is checked, each time a threshold is stored (pressing Store), the
frequency will advance to the next test frequency automatically. If the option is
not checked, the frequency must be changed manually using the frequency
buttons on the front panel of the instrument.
Only the frequencies appropriate for the test type are presented. If a
high frequency is included in the frequency list and the test range is Standard,
only the standard frequencies are presented.
Ch2 Tone
Selecting Ch2 Tone enables a pure tone stimulus in channel 2 allowing for
presenting the same frequency at different levels in each ear.
This pencil icon opens a comments window (must use external keyboard to
utilize comment section). Comments may be entered from any test screen and it
is possible to review and edit comments from any test screen.
Stenger Test Results
In addition to entering comments, the dialog has the options for recording
Stenger test results (both pure tone and speech). The Stenger buttons on the
comments dialog may be toggled to indicate a positive or negative test result.
Off indicates that the test was not performed.
The comments dialog also contains the option to record the patient test reliability.
Selecting the Reliability button from the comments dialog displays the options
for reliability. The options for the reliability label are defined in the Config App.