1510P & 1520P
Great Plains
| 118-732M | 4/4/19
Opener Seeding Depth
Refer to Figure 16
A press wheel attached to each opener body controls
seeding depth. To maintain consistent depth, the
relationship between the bottom of the opener disks
and press wheel is fixed upwardly.
The press wheels also close the seed trench and gently
press soil over seed. To provide consistent soil firming,
press wheels are free to move down from normal
operating position. This maintains pressing action even
if opener disks encounter obstructions or hard soil.
Refer to Figure 17
Set opener seeding depth by adjusting T-handles. To
adjust, first raise openers slightly, then lift and slide T-
handles on top of openers as shown. Adjust all T-
handles to the same setting.
For shallower seeding, slide T-handles forward
toward drill.
For deeper seeding, slide T-handles back away
from drill.
Figure 16
10 Series Opener with Meter
Press Wheel
Figure 17
10 Series Opener Seeding Depth