Each object you create has the following ALERT LED and
Audible Alarm settings:
LED Mode: Solid or Flash
controls whether the LED
remains on solid or flashes when the object is active.
LED Color: 0-7
sets the color of the LED. By default, color 0
is used for LED off. You can change the LED colors in the Global
Settings menu.
Latch LED
keeps the LED on after activity on the object is
finished. This is useful in cases where you need to know if an
object was active while you were away from the scanner.
Backlight: Off, On, Flash
controls whether the backlight
remains off, comes on solid or flashes when the object is active.
Alarm: None, Chirp, Hi-Lo, Alert, Ring, 2-
Chirp, Fast Hi-Lo, DTMF #
are used to set audible
alarms that play each time activity is found on the object.
ALERT LED with Audible Alarm Examples
Here are some examples of when you may wish to use the
ALERT LED with Audible Alarm capability:
• You have programmed a Talkgroup Wildcard in for a trunked
radio system you monitor in order to find new talkgroups. You
can use an Audible Alarm to alert you when the radio receives
a wildcard hit, and turn on the backlight so that you can read
the display and operate the keypad to save or lock out the new
• You have programmed your favorite amateur radio repeater in
and wish to be alerted when a QSO begins. You can use an
Audible Alarm with one of the shorter alarms (Chirp, 2-Chirp,
Fast Hi-Lo or DTMF #) to provide this indication without
covering the traffic in the QSO.
• You have included a Spectrum Sweeper object in your scan
configuration so that you can find nearby strong transmitters
while you are scanning. You can use an Audible Alarm to alert
you when the radio receives a Spectrum Sweeper hit, and turn
on the backlight so that you can read the display and operate
the keypad to save or lock out the new frequency. This
technique is also useful for TGRP wildcards.
User Manual
Page 70