We reserve the right to introduce modifications. Not liable for printing errors!
Later the nose gear steering servo and the rudder servo can be connected to the
same receiver socket either using a Y-lead or via a mixer at the transmitter.
The servo for the rudder control horn, as already described in the beginning, is
installed in the servo mount. Fasten it to the side wall of the fuselage with the four
pan-head self-tapping screws.
Prepare the rudder linkages and attach them to the control horn and servo levers as
shown in the photo. Here too, make sure that the elevator is in the neutral position
when the control servo is in the centre position.
Now, using two Allen screws each, the two main undercarriage components
are fastened to the bottom of the fuselage.
To install the two main wheels and covers, a hole must be drilled/filed in each of the
covers about 15 mm from the lower edge and centred with the cut-out. Remember
that a left and a right cover are needed. To reinforce the covers, one of the included
plywood reinforcements is glued to the inside of each cover. Make sure that the drill
holes of the reinforcements and covers line up. This can be done by inserting the
wheel axle.