GAC2570 User Manual
P a g e
Configures the bind "Username" for querying LDAP servers. Some LDAP
servers allow anonymous binds in which case the setting can be left blank.
Specifies the bind "Password" for querying LDAP servers. The field can be
left blank if the LDAP server allows anonymous binds.
LDAP Name Attributes
Configures the "name" attributes of each record which are returned in the
LDAP search result. This field allows the users to configure multiple space
separated name attributes.
cn sn description
LDAP Number
Configures the "number" attributes of each record which are returned in the
LDAP search result. This field allows the users to configure multiple space
separated number attributes.
telephoneNumber Mobile
LDAP Mail Attributes
Determines the "mail" attributes of each record which are returned in the
LDAP search result.
Example: mail
LDAP Name Filter
Configures the filter used for name lookups.
(|(cn=%)(sn=%)) returns all records which has the "cn" or "sn" field starting
with the entered prefix;
(!(sn=%)) returns all the records which do not have the "sn" field starting
with the entered prefix;
(&(cn=%) (telephoneNumber=*)) returns all the records with the "cn" field
starting with the entered prefix and "telephoneNumber" field set.
LDAP Number Filter
Defines the filter used for number lookups.
(|(telephoneNumber=%)(Mobile=%) returns all records which has the
"telephoneNumber" or "Mobile" field starting with the entered prefix;
(&(telephoneNumber=%) (cn=*)) returns all the records with the
"telephoneNumber" field starting with the entered prefix and "cn" field set.
LDAP Mail Filter
Determines the filter used for mail lookups. Example: (mail=%)
Search Field Filter
Configures to filter according to which fields when searching on LDAP.
Users can choose between ‘Name Filter’, ‘Number Filter’, ‘Mail Filter’ or ‘All
Filter’. The default setting is "All Filter".