Device Description HG G-98780-A | English, Revision 16 | Date: 15.07.2021
Software – Chapter 6
the repetition rate of the data output can be selected.
The content of the CAN value status is shown in the upper line of the menu. These
values are used for simple diagnosis. They are explained in above mentioned Pro
cessor Manual on page 23-7. P(r)ofibus-Parameters
This menu enables setting the Profibus parameters.
Figure 19
Menu: P(r)ofibus-Parameters
On the left hand side of the screen, the bytes transmitted to the master as well as
the bytes transmitted by the master are displayed. The description of these bytes is
included in Table 15 on page 24.
The header shows the current Profibus status. The following messages are possible:
Unexpected antenna resets
In case of transmission errors on the Profibus, antennas of the types HG
98780ZA/WA (in contrast to the variants YA/XA) perform a reset. Even the case
that no device is connected when the Profibus is activated can be interpreted as
a transmission error.
If the Profibus is not used: deactivate the Profibus.
Table 21
Possible Profibus Status Messages
Profibus Status Messages
Profibus not active / without error
These messages indicate that the Profibus hard
ware is either not equipped or faulty
Inadmissible buffer lengths were specified in the
master. Use the GSD file that is included in the
appendix, section 10.8 on page 51, or download
this file from our website
No contact to the master
Byte # Master-Input Profibus-Status: NO_ERROR
0 02
1 00
2 00
3 00
4 00
5 00
6 f0
7 0f
8 1c (P)rofibus active YES
9 00 (A)ddress: [0..125]: 2
10 00 (O)rder of Data Transfer (0= HiByte first): 0
11 02
12 0b (Q)uit Menue
Byte # Master-Output
0 00
1 00
2 00
3 00
4 00