GMT 050
User manual
Connecting the GMT050 TTC
The GMT050 TTC will be delivered with hydraulic line connections at the end of the headplate. The 4
hoses of the carrying vehicle will be connected to this end. 2
hoses on both sides. These are the same connections as usual
with the GMT050.
All other connections and settings of the complete set are done
from factory.
A drain valve needs to be installed to ensure correct function
of the tilt-down similar as done with the GMT050 product.
A signal device needs to be installed in the carrying vehicle to
activate the brake functionality. This can be a remote control
button or an additional button on the joystick. Even a foot
pedal signal can used. Whatever the operator prefers.
Connection of the hoses to the GMT050 TTC unit
Note: the GMT050 TTC headplate can be connected to different adapters for forestry cranes,
telehandler and loader cranes.