GMT 050
User manual
Use of this manual
This user manual has been compiled for persons who have previous practical experience in the use of
(forestry) machinery. Applying common sense and skills will supplement the use of this user manual.
Warning pictograms provide highly important information about
safety risks. The dangers posed by various situations can result in
incapacitation or fatality.
Attention pictograms indicate that products, processes or the
environment can be affected.
All descriptions, instructions and technical details contained in this user manual are based on the most
up-to-date information available on the felling grapple.
This product is constantly being further developed, and the manufacturer therefore reserves the right
to modify the product without prior notice.
Felling grapple malfunctions can often be resolved by carefully reading the user manual. If recovery or
repair is not possible, you must contact the manufacturer or distributor.
Warnings and warning pictograms
Warnings and warning pictograms have been added to certain components.
These texts and pictograms must be noted in order to prevent injury to persons
and damage to the felling grapple.
This pictogram indicates to the user that mounting, maintenance and repairs to
and of the felling grapple can be aided by thoroughly reading the user manual
and by relying on the information it contains.
If the felling grapple is to be used by multiple persons, the owner must order all
users to work strictly according to the user manual.
Warnings such as ‘’safe distance’’.
The safety distance is set for at least 1 ½ the length of the tree.
Within this safety zone no other persons are allowed.
The operator should be in the area of the escape route.
The escape route is at a 45-degree opposite of the felling direction.
Be sure the escape route is clear of obstacles or hazards.
Often the “safe distance” is referred to
50 meters (165 feet) safety zone
of fall