GMT 050
User manual
Pressurizing the accumulator
The accumulator ensures that the saw blade retracts into the saw casing and that the tilt frame
subsequently drops – under control – into the tilt down position.
If the saw blade does not fully retract into the saw casing in tilt down position (default grapple
position), the pressure in the accumulator may be too low. This pressure should be 35-40 bar.
If the saw blade does not fully retract into the saw casing in tilt up position (horizontal grapple
position), the pressure in the accumulator may be too high
Measuring the pressure in the accumulator
In case of one of the aforementioned problems, the pressure in the accumulator must be checked. This
can be done using the supplied manometer kit.
Measuring the pressure in the accumulator
Use the side of the manometer with no regulator valve (See Figure 25). Screw the test point hose onto
the manometer first, then onto the test point. The pressure will show immediately. If the pressure is
too low, it must be increased.
Please watch the instruction video on
or on YouTube using the following