GMT 050
User manual
Saw safety guidelines
Only chains, saw blades and chain sprockets from recognized manufacturers may be used as
replacement parts.
Chain breaks can result in serious injuries. Persons are therefore strictly forbidden from entering the
danger zone around the equipment.
When work is done with/on the saw chain, the carrying vehicle must be turned off and the
recommended safety gloves must be worn.
Replace the chain and saw blade in good time. A sharpened chain reduces the risk of breaks and cracks.
A new, straight saw blade will ensure that the chain does not stick.
Modifications to the hydraulic system for the purpose of increasing the chain speed are not permitted.
Before a new or sharpened ‘dry’ chain is installed, it must be lubricated.
A broken chain must be thoroughly checked (for breaks, deformities, cracks, etc.) before a new link is
installed. You are advised to always install a new chain.
The groove of the saw blade must be in line with the chain sprocket. If necessary, the chain sprocket
must be repositioned with washers to realign it with the groove.
The chain lubrication system must be checked frequently.
The saw function should be operated for a maximum of 15 seconds. Prolonged use of this function can
possibly cause a problem with:
Burn the saw bar
Increased pressure in the saw motor
Burn the saw chain lubrication
Removal of grapple
When the felling grapple is at the end of his lifetime, it should be disposed. Observe the following
instructions so the environment won’t get contaminated unnecessarily.
Take the felling grapple to an approved demolition company. The can carry out further removal of
the grapple.
When the grapple can’t be taken to an demolition company, then carry out the following;
Release the oil out of the hydraulic system and dispose it to the chemical waste.
Remove all hydraulic hoses and take them to a designated collection point.
Transfer the remained metal of the grapple to an metal recycling company.