GMT 050
User manual
Please watch the instruction video on
or on YouTube using the following
Valve 1
This valve determines when the grapple close function switches to saw function, i.e. the cylinder
pressure at which the saw function is activated. This value depends on the operating pressure of the
carrying vehicle and can be measured at test point K. If this valve is correctly adjusted, its pressure
should be approximately 20 bar lower than the operating pressure of the carrying vehicle.
Adjust as follows: Connect the manometer to test point K, from where the pressure in the grapple
cylinder can be monitored. Slightly loosen the valve 1 locknut and turn in the adjuster bolt until the
saw chain no longer moves during maximum grapple close input. Then, repeatedly turn out the
adjuster bolt in quarter rotations and operate the grapple close function until the saw chain reaches
the correct or maximum revolutions. The manometer will now indicate the cylinder pressure at which
the saw function is activated. Lock the adjuster bolt with the locknut (by hand is sufficient!) and detach
the manometer.
Valve 10
This valve determines when the grapple open function switches to tilt up function, i.e. the cylinder
pressure at which this function switches to tilt up. Because the tilt up function can only be activated
by maximum grapple open input, this valve must be adjusted in the same way as valve 1 to
approximately 20 bar lower than the operating pressure of the carrying vehicle.
Adjust as follows: Connect the manometer to test point J, from where the pressure in the grapple
cylinder can be monitored. Slightly loosen the valve 10 locknut and turn in the adjuster bolt until the
felling grapple does not enter tilt up position during maximum grapple open input. Then, repeatedly
turn out the adjuster bolt in quarter rotations and operate the grapple open function until the felling
grapple enters tilt up position. The manometer will now indicate the cylinder pressure at which the tilt
up function is activated. Lock the adjuster bolt with the locknut (by hand is sufficient!) and detach the