GMT 050
User manual
Chain exchange:
Loosen the two M20 nuts using the supplied 30 mm combination spanner. Do not
fully remove the nuts from the bolts, but loosen them just enough so that the chain tensioner can be
lifted slightly and no longer holds the saw blade. Now, the saw blade can be shifted back to create
space to exchange the chain.
Once the new or sharpened chain is in place, it must be tensioned. This can be done by using the
supplied flexible hex screwdriver to tighten the bolt in the chain tensioner. Once tensioned, the two
M20 nuts must be tightened so that the chain tensioner clamping plate once again holds the saw blade.
Saw blade exchange:
Replacing the saw bar works according to the same principle. Loosen the nuts
and remove the chain.
In this case, the nuts must be loosened somewhat more to create enough play
between the chain tensioner and the saw bar so that the tensioner pin can be removed from the notch
in the saw bar.
The saw bar can now be pulled out.
When inserting the new saw bar, make sure that
the tensioner pin is placed back in the aforementioned notch.
Once a new or sharpened chain is in
place, it must be tensioned. Finally, tighten the locknuts.
Once these tasks are complete, the ball valve can be fully reopened. The blade will automatically
retract into the saw casing.
Recommended lubricants for the chain and bar: Combi Oil ISO VG- 150 chain oil