, Inc. 425 Harbor Blvd. Belmont, California 94002 phone (650) 591-1400 fax (650) 591-2001
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TEST Equipment
To achieve a satisfactory performance with an external gain antenna, it is necessary that
the accessory parts, transmission line, connectors, filters, etc., and the antenna function properly. A common
RF test instrument for testing is the inline VSWR watt meter. A suitable low cost meter is the Comet 900N.
RF Adapters
RF Adapters are also needed because most of the 900 MHz equipment has “N” type RF
couplers and GINA uses reverse type SMA. An 8-10' RG58 cable with a reverse SMA male on one end and a
N male on the other plus an N female (a barrel) adapter would be handy. The preference should be ones that
allow the easiest access to the antenna system without compromising performance.
Miscellaneous “gender menders” and data cables are also necessary. The GINA has a DB9F RS-232 interface
and most async data equipment use a DB-25 connector. In case of trouble, a DATA TRAKKER will simplify
a diagnosis but it requires the DB-25 connectors, as does the BERT, and most breakout boxes.
To configure the GINA 6000 a PC with a terminal program such as G-TALK or Procomm is required. A
convenient alternative is a Termiflex ST./2000 palm sized “dumb” terminal. To test the quality of a link from
the far end, a DGH smart module will respond with a message when addressed and affords a quick and easy
way to send and receive data over the radio path, it's a “poor man's” BERT. The Bit Error Rate Test set is
needed when a high quality data circuit must be guaranteed. Also a Volt Ohm Meter (VOM) is an important
item on every test equipment list.