© 2001 GRE America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is the property of GRE America, Inc. Copying or reproducing this material
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3/01 (rev. 3)
GINA 6000N-5, 6000NV-5, 8000N-5, & 8000NV-5
GINA User’s Manual
Getting Started
Figures 2-4 and 2-5 illustrate quick and easy ways to setup and manipu-
late a point-to-multipoint application (without a repeater and using a
Point-to-Multipoint Without Repeater
GINAs arrive factory set with default parameters. Install the
GINAs, wait 5 seconds after power up, and they are ready to trans-
fer data.
If parameters were changed, go into SETUP mode and enter
RESET. This resets the GINA parameters back to the factory
default settings.
Figure 2-4. Point-to-Multipoint Without Repeater
If you do not want the remote(s) to receive any data being transmit-
ted from other remote(s), give the same Transmit ID (TXID) value
to all remote(s). Make sure the Host TXID is different than the
Remote(s) TXID.