GINA User’s Manual
© 2001 GRE America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is the property of GRE America, Inc. Copying or reproducing this material
is strictly prohibited. All violators shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
3/01 (rev. 3)
This section contains user information about GRE’s limited warranty.
Limited Warranty
GRE America, Inc. warrants all parts of each new product to be of sound
design, good material and workmanship, and will repair or exchange any
parts proven to be defective under normal use at no charge for a period of
12 months from the date of sale to the end user.
Defects will be corrected by GRE America. There will be no charge for
labor for a period of 12 months from the date of original sale, except as
provided below. Overtime premiums and/or expedited handling and ship-
ping costs must be paid by the owner.
Warranty Limitations
This warranty does not apply to equipment or parts that have been subject
to accident, abuse, incorrect service, alterations, service by non-autho-
rized service personnel, misuse, or on units upon which the warranty seal
has been removed, altered, or mutilated.
A copy of the warranty certificate or purchase receipt must be supplied to
GRE America when requesting service.
Equipment must be sent to GRE America at the owner’s expense and will
be returned via surface carrier at no cost to the owner.
This warranty is strictly limited to the terms indicated herein, and no other
warranties or remedies thereunder, express or implied, shall be binding on
GRE America.