Appendix B: Using an External Antenna with GINA
GINA User’s Manual
© 2001 GRE America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is the property of GRE America, Inc. Copying or reproducing this material
is strictly prohibited. All violators shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
3/01 (rev. 3)
Appendix B: Using an External Antenna with GINA
This appendix contains information for users who wish to install an out-
side antenna to improve the transmission/reception range of GINA. GRE
America recommends that a professional electrical contractor with expe-
rience in antenna installation be used to install the antenna. Users who
wish to install their own antenna should follow the instructions below.
CAUTION: Section 810 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA
No. 70-1994 contains the minimum legal requirements for the instal-
lation and protection of outside antennas. Consult your local building
or fire department; additional requirements may exist for your loca-
For additional information regarding outside protection, GRE
recommends that you contact Polyphaser and refer to their application
Select an antenna suitable for the frequency range of your GINA. If a high
gain antenna is going to be used, you must obey the FCC Part 15.247 reg-
ulation. The regulation states any professional installer may change to a
different antenna and must meet the 6dBi system gain requirements.
GRE offers many optional high gain antennas that are certified with FCC.
Each contains our non-standard SMA connector. Three antennas are:
13 dBi Directional Yagi Antenna with a 10 ft. cable.
3 dBd Omnidirectional Antenna with a 10 ft. cable.
3 dBd Patch Antenna with 3 ft. cable.
Contact a GRE sale representative for more details.
Generally, the higher the antenna is mounted the greater the improvement
in range. Fifteen to twenty feet is adequate for most locations. For longer
distances, height may need to be increased.