© 2001 GRE America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is the property of GRE America, Inc. Copying or reproducing this material
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3/01 (rev. 3)
GINA 6000N-5, 6000NV-5, 8000N-5, & 8000NV-5
GINA User’s Manual
Voice Operation (Models 6000NV-5 and 8000NV-5 Only)
GINA only operates with the handset supplied with the unit. Do
not attempt to use a standard telephone handset.
On Models 6000NV and 8000NV, GINA is provided with a PTT (press-
to-talk), release-to-listen handset that connects to the RJ-11 jack on the
front panel. It allows a remote user to communicate with the main station.
Tonal quality is adequate for communication (325 to 4000 Hz) but not
telephone ‘toll grade.’ Some distortion may be noted depending on the
operating environment.
Using the handset is quite uncomplicated, but since GINA operates in
half-duplex mode (only one person may speak at a time, as opposed to a
standard telephone, which is full duplex, allowing both stations to speak
simultaneously), we recommend military protocol: To speak, press the
PTT switch. When you are finished speaking and expect a reply, say
“over” and release the PTT button. When you are finished speaking and
do not expect a reply, say “out.”