© 2001 GRE America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is the property of GRE America, Inc. Copying or reproducing this material
is strictly prohibited. All violators shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
3/01 (rev. 3)
GINA 6000N-5, 6000NV-5, 8000N-5, & 8000NV-5
GINA User’s Manual
RSSI for Receiver Signal Strenght
Figure 2-3. GINA Transceiver Rear Panel
Setup Mode
When GINA is turned on, type the word
within 5-seconds
to enter
the setup mode (or, if the CONMODE command is set to “1” (transparent
mode), press
<CTRL> + <V>
three times). Once in the setup mode, the
radio responds with the following prompt:
SET UP > Enter command sets
Any PC with standard communication software or a dumb termi-
nal peripheral can be used to send ASCII commands to GINA. In addi-
tion, GINA is initially factory set at 9600 baud. The communication
software must be initially set up for 9600,8,N,1.
After completion, type
and GINA enters either transparent mode
or transparent permanent mode (depending on how CONMODE is set).
If there are no changes in the parameters (commands), GINA enters one
of the transparent modes 5 seconds after it has been turned on.
Repeater Setup
GINA can be set up to work as a dedicated repeater to extend its range.
Below is a description on how to put GINA into a repeater configuration:
Setting Repeater Unit
RID (Repeater ID) to the desired ID number (between 1 and
Set ENR (Enable Repeater)
(5) Optional RSSI Jack
(4) 12 V DC Power Supply
(3) DB9 RS-232 Connector
(2) Power ON/OFF Switch
(1) Antenna Connector
Reverse SMA Type
Jack (center pole positive)