General information about administration
Gigaset T300 PRO / Gigaset T500 PRO / EN Master / A31008-M2212-R102-1y-7619 / admin_administration.fm / 02.12.2010
rsion 2, 06.0
General information about administration
You can edit all key system settings in the configuration tab.
Click on
in the main menu bar to open the configuration tab.
The configuration menu
On the left-hand side of the configuration tab, you can see a menu bar comprising but-
tons that open the individual setting tabs. The following chapter describes their function
in order of appearance in the menu bar.
Please note
Before you can operate your PABX via the browser, your Internet browser must be ena-
bled to accept cookies and popups and JavaScript must be enabled.
For creating and editing user groups
For defining and editing groups
For autoprovisioning and integrating phones and ATA
Gigaset PRO modules
For setting up voicemail boxes
Basic settings for managed conferences
For addressbook settings
For assigning numbers to users
For VoIP, ISDN, analogue emergency call numbers
For routing priority and cost optimized routing
For server settings, updates, backups and licenses
For connection statistics
For interconnection
For on-hold loops, XMPP servers, macros