JOINON WALLBOX I-CON BASIC recharging unit for electric vehicles
The station codifies the errors found by the electronic board and saves them in the internal log.
The log files are saved on the microSD card on the electronic board. These files need to be analysed in order to
find the cause of the problem.
The errors that might be detected by the charging station are listed below
Error code
Error 4
The contactor is working when it
shouldn't be. The Type 2 socket-outlet
is powered in the standby condition
Check the signal from the electronic board to the
contactor, to make sure the former isn't controlling
the latter. If the board isn't controlling the contactor,
make sure the contactor contacts aren't jammed.
If necessary, replace the device
Error 5
The shutters of the type 2 socket-out-
let aren't in the right condition (closed)
Check the mobility of the gates and the relative
mechanical devices. If necessary, replace the
Error 6
Error in the control of the socket-outlet
locking motor (it doesn't switch from
OPEN to the CLOSED position)
Manually check the mobility of the pin by moving
the red lever on the back of the type 2 socket-outlet
locking motor.
Error 7
Error in the control of the socket-outlet
locking motor (it doesn't switch from
CLOSED to the OPEN position)
Manually check the mobility of the pin by moving
the red lever on the back of the type 2 socket-outlet
locking motor.
Error 8
The energy meters are no longer com-
municating with the electronic board
Check the Modbus line connection
Check the power supply to the energy meters
Make sure the energy meters are working properly
Make sure the component on the Modbus line is
numbered correctly
Error 10
The charging station has been dis-
connected from the platform for more
than 24h
Disconnect the power supply to the charging
Leave the station switched off for at least 2 minutes
Reconnect the power supply, then wait for the
station to reconnect to the platform
Error 13
DC current detected on return line
from the vehicle
In this situation, the charging session is immediately
suspended. Remove the recharging cable from the
vehicle and wait to begin a new session.
If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer of
the vehicle
Error 14
Short-circuit detected on the CP
The station detects a short-circuit between the CP
signal and earth.
Remove the cable and try again.
If the error persists, replace the cable.
Error 15
The load connected is not suitable for
If a vehicle has been connected but the problem
persists, contact the manufacturer of the vehicle.
Station OFF
The electronic board is not receiving
the power supply it needs in order to
Check the power supply upstream of the station
Check the circuit breaker protection on the electron-
ic board protection panel is working properly
Check the 12V power supply to the electronic board
In the case of products connected to the JOINON platform, or if the maintenance package has been
purchased, call the FreePhone number 800 123 325 when necessary.
In all other cases where technical support is required, call GEWISS SAT customer service.