JOINON WALLBOX I-CON BASIC recharging unit for electric vehicles
Potential hazards for the device
In order to protect the device, observe the following warnings.
When working on the device, use at least the following items of safety equipment.
Safety footwear
In accordance with
UNE-EN-ISO 20345:2012
or the latest edition published
In accordance with
EN 397:1995
or the latest edition published
Helmet with a face mask
In accordance with
UNE-EN 166:2002
or the latest edition published, if there are live elements
that can be directly accessed.
Work garments
Close-fitting and non-flammable, in 100% cotton
Dielectric gloves
n accordance with
EN 60903:2005
or the latest edition published
The equipment or devices used for operations with the system energised must have at least category III-1000 Volt insulation.
If the regulations in the location of installation require other types of personal protective equipment, the equipment must be
integrated in a suitable manner.
Before reconnecting the voltage supply after any duly authorised operation, make sure the device is ready to start working.
Then, connect it following the instructions in the manual.
Do not touch the boards or the electronic components; the more sensitive components may get damaged or be destroyed
by static electricity.
Do not disconnect or connect any terminal while the device is operating. Disconnect and check for the absence of voltage
before performing any operation.