Recharging stations not designed for remote connection to the cloud platform can be updated by inserting the microSD
card in the relative slot of the electronic board.
To understand which firmware version is installed in the product, open a LOG file saved on the microSd card itself (you
are advised to use the most recent file).
In each LOG file, the first row contains the FW version(s) installed on the station.
SD card slot
To update the firmware, proceed as follows:
# Action to be carried out
1 Disconnect the power supply to the product by turning off the main switch
2 Open the charging station to access the electronic board
3 Remove the microSD card from its slot on the electronic board
4 Insert the microSD card in the specific slot on your PC, to open the folder
Paste the update file in the main folder of the microSD card
NB: contact GEWISS SAT customer service for the most recent file <(which will also be available on the
GEWISS website, using a code search)
6 Insert the microSD card in the slot on the electronic board
7 Close the charging station and reconnect the power supply to launch the updating procedure
8 At the end of the updating procedure, the station will confirm the positive outcome via the front LED,
which will flash green 3 times.