Model TA502A
1.0 Introduction
This chapter provides a brief description of the Model TA502A, its features and
benefits and a list of some of its applications. More detailed information on the
features and benefits listed in Section 1.2 will be presented in later chapters.
1.1 General Description
The General Monitors Model TA502A (see Figure 10) is a single channel Generic
Trip Amplifier designed for use in Zero Two Series Gas and Flame Detection
Systems. This Module connects to a field mounted 4-20 mA transmitter.
The Model TA502A is electrically and physically compatible with the other gas
detection, flame detection, and system modules in the Zero Two Series. It is
distinguished from the other modules by its gray border and “TA502A” in the upper
right corner of the front panel. The Model TA502A is designed for use in non-
hazardous environments.
Figure 10: Model TA502A