Genelec Loudspeaker Manager (GLM) 4 - System Operating Manual
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Can I use SAM monitors in 3D Immersive Audio Systems?
Yes. The immersive audio systems are very easy to setup and calibrate with SAM monitors and
subwoofers. Here is an example of how to create Dolby Atmos 7.1.4 system layout in GLM.
Configuration of the system in the room is shown below. The green tags are ear-level surround
monitors and the blue tags are overhead monitors (top layer).
Defining a system layout in GLM:
Start by selecting a layout style 7.1.4 and dragging
monitors/subwoofers from the Unplaced box to the grid. Each monitor and subwoofer plays an ID
tone when dragged and that helps to identify which monitor is handled. For example, when
dragging a subwoofer it plays a sine tone and can be placed to the grid. Next page shows an
example where each monitor is placed to match an Atmos layout. Note that monitors may not
appear in the same order as in these examples.