Genelec Loudspeaker Manager (GLM) 4 - System Operating Manual
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6.3 System level indications
The system level is indicated at the top of the system level fader. The level can be set by editing
the figure shown and by adjusting the volume fader.
The volume can be adjusted by using the mouse and by up and down arrow buttons.
If the GLM Adapter volume controller is connected, the volume is only set by the controller and the
GUI volume control is disabled.
By default, the display shows the level relative to the digital full-scale output, on the dBFS scale.
The scale on the fader reads from zero to -130 dB and then full system mute.
After the ‘Calibrated Level’ setup has been completed the output level is shown as the dB SPL
sound level at the listening location. The Calibrated Level selection button selects the data format
being shown, as either dBFS relative scale or dBSPL absolute scale.
GLM microphone can continually measure the SPL level at the microphone. Normally, the
microphone can be placed at the listening location and then will show the SPL at the listening
location. This microphone SPL level is shown below the volume setting.
6.4 System Mute and Dim
The states of these buttons are retained for each group.
The Mute button mutes the complete monitoring system.
The Dim button lowers the system level of the current group. While the Dim is active the level is
reduced by 20 dB.
6.5 Standardized Level Presets
Standardized level presets allow systematic subjective evaluation of the spectral content in audio
and audibility of details always in the same way.
Level Preset buttons activate the level presets, and quick way to recall a calibrated system level.
When these buttons are active, the system level fader is overridden. Releasing the preset resumes
the system level to the value set in the fader.
A level preset can be set to a desired value by first adjusting the system level at the desired level
and then the menu item ‘Group Preset | Set Preset Levels | Set Current Level to Preset1’.
6.6 Calibrated Level Selection
This control can be set to allow quick access to a standardized SPL level that is motivated by one
of the existing loudness standards and allows accurate subjective evaluation of the audio content
for that use case.
The default is set to ‘No Ref Level’ and the Calibrated Level button is not selectable.
To set the Calibrated Level, select the loudness standard you want to follow or your ‘user specified’
loudness target in the ‘Group Preset | Standard Loudness SPL Calibration’ menu item. After the
selection, you will need to run an SPL calibration step with the GLM calibration microphone.