Genelec Loudspeaker Manager (GLM) 4 - System Operating Manual
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Figure 1. Place monitors symmetrically relative to the walls. Point the acoustical axes towards the
listening position.
4.2 Cabling for Audio Signals
Run all audio cables from the audio source to the monitors. When a subwoofer is used, run the
same signal to the monitor and the subwoofer. We recommend running the signal to the subwoofer
first. The subwoofer has output connectors to facilitate onward connection to the monitors.
Bass management means using a subwoofer to reproduce low frequencies for any or all of the
audio channels. Audio channels for monitors that are not bass managed can be run directly to the
monitors. They do not need to run to the subwoofer.
When you need both analog and digital audio cabling, it is possible to populate both analog and
digital inputs and outputs on SAM monitors and subwoofers. GLM allows the Group configuration
to select either the analog or digital audio. Note that the 8320 monitor features an analog input
The most common audio cablings are introduced next.
4.2.1 Analog Stereo
Before cabling, turn off the power in all monitors.
connect audio cables from the audio source to the monitor ANALOG IN