Genelec Loudspeaker Manager (GLM) 4 - System Operating Manual
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User controls:
In order to preserve the complex interaction between units, following calibration,
the woofer system and main monitor are paired together as a single unit. This means that the two
units cannot be controlled individually. However, they can be controlled on a ‘global’ basis - all
parameters that are adjusted within the acoustic editor are applied to both units.
Within the acoustic editor the following controls are available:
Individual amp-channel mutes (not saved as part of the Group)
User EQs (4 Shelves and 4 parametric)
Sound profiler (found under Group Tab. Uses the 2 HF shelving filters)
Detailed description of Sound profiler and EQs can be found in Sound Character Profiler and
Room Response Equalizer Controls sections respectively.
Also included in the editor is the firmware status and update for the WS.