4. Measuring Thickness
Page 110
DMS 2 Operating Manual
Step 5: Select the item you wish to delete. For instance, if
you wish to delete one or more rows, select
Row. Remem-
ber, all locations within the items (row) selected for deletion
MUST be empty.
Step 6: Press
below the selection titled MODE until the
word DELETE appears.
Step 7: Press
below the selection DELETE to indicate
how many items (in this case, rows) you wish to delete from
the data file.
Step 8: Press
below the selection AT to indicate the
position in the data file (in this case, the row) where you
want to begin deleting items.
Step 9: Press and hold
below the DELETE selection
until the process is complete.
Step 10: The number of items you specify will be automati-
cally removed from the active data file.
Changing the Digital Thickness Display to
Indicate an Uncoupled Probe (I/O — LAST R)
As a probe is coupled and uncoupled from the material being
tested, the digital value displayed in the thickness window
can react in one of two ways. When the probe is uncoupled,
the thickness measurement number will either be replaced
by a series of dashes (- - -), or it will change from solid to
hollow numbers. The appearance of the digital thickness
display window depends on the value selected for LAST R.
Step 1: If necessary, activate the TG Primary Menu (TG
mode) by pressing
Step 2: Press
to activate the TG Secondary Menu
(Figure 3-3).
Step 3: Activate the I/O Submenu by selecting it with
so that it’s highlighted. Five selections will
appear across the bottom of the display screen.