Vhandy Technology
GCAN-212 user manual
'UpLoad'-read the configuration information from the device.
'Download'-download the configuration information to the device's Flash.
'Open'- Opens a stored configuration file from the computer.
'SaveAs'-save the configuration information file to the computer.
'UpDate App'-upgrade the GCAN-212 (CANET) firmware kernel. (Please use
this function under guidance)
4.3 Configure basic communication information
After the connection is successful, click 'UpLoad' to upload the parameters in
the device to the computer.
When users modifying parameters, click the parameter to be modified, and the
configuration interface of the parameter will appear at the below of the
software. After the parameter is modified, the parameter will turn red.
'IP Address Info'——Ethernet end parameter setting.
'CAN1 Info'——CAN1 parameter setting.
'CAN2 Info'——CAN2 parameter setting.
4.3.1 Ethernet parameter settings
Click 'IP Address Info' to enter the Ethernet parameter setting interface