10.
External
Interfaces
10.1
‐
Keypad/
Button
Switch
The
‐
is
equipped
with
an
interface
for
an
external
switch
or
keypad.
The
interface
type
is
a
(Normally
Open)
momentary
switch
to
ground.
To
activate
the
opener,
the
keypad
or
other
device
must
short
the
‘GND’(12)
and
‘Push
Button
2’(10)
terminals
momentarily
on
Box
J4.
This
type
of
switch
is
very
common.
To
install
the
device,
attach
one
lead
of
your
keypad
to
the
‘Push
Button
(10)’
terminal
and
the
other
to
the
(12)
terminal.
If
your
keypad
requires
12Volts
then
you
can
connect
the
12V+
to
(9)
and
the
–V
to
(12).
The
keypad
will
function
in
single
channel
mode
just
like
the
remote.
If
the
gate
is
closed,
then
activating
the
keypad
will
open
the
gate.
If
the
gate
is
open,
then
activating
the
keypad
will
close
the
gate.
If
the
gate
is
moving,
then
activating
the
keypad
will
stop
the
gate.
Consult
your
device
manufacturer’s
documentation
for
details.
The
keypad
device
can
be
obtained
through
your
dealer.
To
find
a
dealer,
go
to
www.gatekeeperltd.com/dealers
10.2
‐
Loop
detector
magnetic
loop
detector
detects
vehicles
that
are
within
proximity
to
the
gate.
magnetic
loop
detector
can
be
used
to
open
the
gate
when
a
car
pulls
up
either
from
the
inside
or
the
outside
depending
on
which
side
of
the
gate
you
install
it.
magnetic
loop
is
usually
buried
under
the
ground,
and
the
wires
run
to
the
gate
opener
control
board.
Magnetic
loops
usually
require
power,
using
the
+
and
–
terminals.
Connect
the
12V+
to
(9)
and
the
–V
to
(12).
They
provide
a
normally
open
momentary
switch
interface
to
the
control
board
and
its
ground
or
common
interface.
Wire
the
magnetic
loop’s
normally
open
trigger
wire
to
terminal
(10)
and
the
normally
open
ground
or
common
to
(12)
both
on
block
J4.
Consult
your
device
manufacturer’s
documentation
for
details.
See
Figure
for
a
diagram
of
external
interface
connections.
The
Loop
Detector
device
can
be
obtained
through
your
dealer.
To
find
a
dealer,
go
to
www.gatekeeperltd.com/dealers