Gate
“auto
close”
function
works
like
“auto
open
”
1.
The
first
operation
should
be
defined
as
gate
closing
during
the
learning
mode
no
matter
what
the
method
of
installation
is.
2.
If
the
gate
executes
the
contrary
action,
please
swap
the
wiring
of
the
motor
to
the
opposite
polarity.
Gate
doesn’t
stop
immediately
when
it
reaches
the
end
of
travel.
1.
Adjust
the
to
decrease
the
over
current
limit.
Flashing
light
doesn’t
work.
Check
the
wiring
of
the
flashing
light
to
make
sure
that
it
is
well
connected
and
using
the
correct
polarity.
Check
that
~18V
is
present
on
the
output
side
of
the
transformer.
Check
that
~14VDC
is
present
on
the
terminals
of
the
battery
when
the
unit
is
plugged
into
and
that
at
least
~12V
is
present
when
it
is
not
plugged
into
but
after
charging.