The DESIGN BREW ADVANCED will prepare your coffee in a surprisingly short time
as filtered by hand. You can easily influence the taste of your coffee by adapting
not only the grind size or type and amount of your coffee powder, but selecting the
appropriate drip speed too, thus getting a very palatable, mild and healthy low-acidi-
ty coffee or, if wished-for, even a strong coffee with light bitterness. Any heat-resistant
container fitting properly under the filter basket of the machine can be used with the
DESIGN BREW ADVANCED. For example, for your festive coffee table, use this fea-
ture for filling your best china coffee jug directly. By using the timer, the machine can
welcome you in the morning with your freshly brewed coffee ready for consumption.
And yet, handling and cleaning the machine is quite an ease.
These instructions for use will inform you about the various functions and features,
which make it easy to take pleasure in your new Design Espresso. We hope that
you will enjoy pleasant coffee brakes with your new DESIGN BREW ADVANCED.