End User Instruction
NOTE: Only for GLB-Wallboxes with communication card installed
1. Make sure that the GLB Wallbox is turned on.
2. Check the Serial no./SSID and password on the label which can be found both under the sliding
cover and inside the wallbox, see (figure 3) (figure 9). If the cover is locked, use the key included.
Make a note of the serial number/SSID and password in the box below for future reference.
3. Identify the wallbox’s SSID name in the wireless network display on your phone, tablet or
computer. Connect to the wallbox’s wireless network and enter the password.
4. Launch the web-browser on your device. The device will display the wallbox’s website
automatically or type in in your web-browser.
To connect the GLB Wallbox to a wireless network, see the section entitled Connect GLB Wallbox to
a local network via Wi-Fi.
Connecting to the wallbox’s Wi-Fi access point (AP)
Serienr/SSID password endast wifiversion
(figure 35)
(figure 36)